Catering Tender Management

It makes good business sense to review your support services on a regular basis and catering is no exception.

The tender process can be fraught with pitfalls for the unwary. Catering Consultancy Bureau has developed a unique approach to the review and tender of a catering operation. The tender document remains “live” throughout the whole of the contract period and ensures that the promises made in the tender response are not only delivered but continue to improve efficiency, both operationally and financially.

Catering Consultancy Bureau can manage the tender and review from start to finish, however, should our clients prefer to handle certain aspects of the process themselves, our flexible approach enables them to do so.

It is not possible to fully automate the evaluation and negotiation process. We have, however, developed an electronic tender process designed reduce the environmental impact.

“Your input into the tender of our catering has been invaluable and we have not only achieved enhanced value through your involvement, but the whole catering service in terms of look, feel, quality and customer satisfaction has been transformed!”

Catering Consultancy Bureau – Your Trusted Partner