Q. Will bringing a consultant on board cause friction with the catering staff?
A. This is a common concern. Catering Consultancy Bureau consider ourselves to be “one of the team” and once staff have gained confidence in us, they are in fact grateful to have somewhere to turn to for advice and assistance. It is our philosophy to develop and...
Q. What measures are in place to make sure I am getting value for money?
A. Our fees are structured and linked to our own performance. If we do not achieve your objectives, then we will not earn all of our fees. After 3 months following completion of the assignment, we return to the catering operation and conduct a catering audit without...
Q. Our catering contract still has a while to run but I am concerned about the caterer’s performance. Is there anything you can do to help?
A. This is a common occurrence and one of the reasons why Catering Consultancy Bureau was established. Caterers can earn their income from a number of sources and not just the management fee. One of these may be purchasing discounts. It is dependent on your own...
Q. We run our catering operation in-house. Can you help us?
A. A number of our clients do operate their services in-house. Once we have undertaken an initial catering review we can highlight areas for improvement. These improvements can also lead to a saving on the overall subsidy. When an in-house catering manager has a...
Q. How can I justify the cost of a catering consultant?
A. We will only take on an assignment where we can demonstrate an increased level of service efficiency and cost reductions. This element almost always covers the cost of our services, so our clients find themselves in a true “win win” situation.
Q. We are happy with our current catering service so why should we need a consultant?
A. Many catering operations are managed efficiently and effectively. However, it isn't until we are able to demonstrate specific areas of improvement to our existing clients that they realise the additional benefits that we could bring, both financially and...